Monday, September 12, 2005

Episode 17: Just Hire Some Buses!


Can you believe the chutzpah? Two EMTs report that when they found themselves stranded in New Orleans, they and 500 others planned an escape by ponying up $25,000 between them ($45 each) and chartering ten buses to get them out! The buses actually came, but were commandeered by the national guard, so the plan didn't work. But that's the kind of cooperation and inventiveness that truly puts me in awe. Wow.

Yet somehow I get in trouble when I say in conversation that people have options. They aren't helpless, hopeless and stuck. It's amazing what people come up with! My own ideas are quite lame by comparison. For example, I suggested that folks could make their own pure water using a solar still. It's easy--everyone should learn how. But somehow saying so gets me in trouble, while other folks are actually chartering 10 buses out of New Orleans. Sometimes you just can't win. You just can't.

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