Episode 16: New Orleans, Looters and Drowned Buses
So if stealing always wrong, or is looting justified in a disaster? Even if I admit I might do it, I still insist that it’s wrong. Which is why I like the cut of 16-yaer-old Jabbar Gibson’s jib! He actually stole a school bus and saved dozens of people from the disaster, driving them to Houston. Afterward he said he’s prepared to take the consequences of his actions. What a man--he should be mayor instead of the incompetent guy who let the school buses drown!
You’ve probably heard about that, since it’s been all over the news. Mayor Nagin issued a mandatory evacuation of the city, but never mobilized the city’s hundreds of school buses to transport people without cars. Instead the buses were left in their parking lots, where they were trapped by flood waters and rendered useless. One of the most outrageous pictures shows a lot with over a hundred buses, stuck within two miles of the Superdome:
Music heard in this podcast:
- Michel Maurice Fortin: “Djogdjogguigne” and “Etpendantcetempslà”
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