Monday, August 22, 2005

Episode 12: Cindy Sheehan's Bizarre Denial


Cindy Sheehan denies making any antisemitic remarks in her letter to Nightline. Instead, she says, a "former friend" altered her letter in order to "exploit her notoriety for his own agenda." Unfortunately, this "former friend" isn't the only person she sent a copy to--busted! Even more interestingly, though, Ms. Sheehan made another public appearance way back in April, to defend Lynne Stewart, the attorney who was convicted of working with the terrorist who planned the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. It's a little harder to dodge the implications of that one! Lynne Stewart's client, the "Blind Sheikh", issued a fatwa calling upon Muslims to "kill Jews wherever you find them."

Music used in this podcast was all written by Snu, and used under the Creative Commons license:



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