Episode 15: Would you Steal in a Crisis?
The chaos continues in New Orleans. If stealing is always wrong, does that mean I would starve to death rather than steal food? It's a fair question, so I'll answer it--but then I'll say why I absolutely hate hypothetical questions like that. They're an open invitation to self-congratulation and self-deception.
Music heard in this podcast, all available at archive.org and composed by our faithful friend Snu:
As always, keep those emails coming: if you send an audio clip to lbudney@pobox.com, I'll include it in a future podcast.
Thanks for your feedback! I would agree that "it's our present nature"! What I would not do, though, is to claim that stealing is OK. It might seem silly, after admitting I might steal food, to say that I'd admit it was wrong--but I think it does matter. The Bible pronounces woe upon the person who "calls good evil and evil good." The least we can do, sinners though we are, is to call right right and wrong wrong.
You raised some more good points that will be discussed in future podcasts. Awesome!
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