Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Episode 13: Why is Sharon doing this?


Why is Sharon doing this? Is it a master plan to crack down on future terror in Gaza? Is it a brilliant ploy to show the world these Palestinians' true stripes? Sorry, folks, I just don't believe it--that's wishful thinking. The real reason, I believe, is to keep himself out of prison. Yes, Sharon is looking out for number 1, and he's doing this for Sharon, no matter how many rockets will be fired from the new terror base he's creating in Gaza. The folks he's violently expelling aren't fooled either:

The picture shows Ariel Sharon behind bars, and the caption says, "The disengagement will not save you." They realize that this is all a ploy to convince a liberal Israeli justice department to drop their investigation of Sharon. If you haven't heard of the "Greek Island Affair", then this episode has some news for you.

Music used in this podcast was written by the soon-to-be famous Snu, and can be downloaded from archive.org:



Blogger Josh & Kimmie said...

Good podcast! Keep it up!!

11:36 AM  

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